Top-10 paper of the day to read
repo that holds well-recognized resources about Industry algorithm practices.“In multivariate statistics, spectral clustering techniques make use of the spectrum (eigenvalue) of the similarity matrix”
The algorithm can be described as:
1. Calculate the Laplacian L (or the normalized Laplacian)
2. Calculate the first k eigenvectors
3. Consider the matrix formed by the first k eigenvectors, the l-th row defines the features of the graph node l
4. Cluster the graph nodes based on these features (e.g. using k-means clustering)
$$ C_N^2 = \sum_i C_{K_i}^2, \text{ where } \sum_i K_i = N $$
The above equation is NOT hold! How to enhance my knowledge about combinatorics? Refer to the notes on Combinatorics Page.