I am motivated again recently by the SciForDL workshop at NeurIPS 2024. There is an interesting part of the workshop named ‘Debunking Challenge’, where the webpage says that:
“We are hosting a challenge to interrogate commonly-held beliefs in the deep learning community. Relevant submissions will challenge machine learning theory, common assumptions and/or folk knowledge.”
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Debunk: verb, expose the falseness or hollowness of (a myth, idea or belief).
The requirements of this challenge are:
The webpage also gives three types of good debunking:
Currently (25.01.04), my proudest belief of deep learning is the following argument motivated through the double descent paper:
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Given a task, we can tackle it with neural network models to get better performance (generalization ability) by simply increasing the capacity of the model. Increasing the model capacity is doomed to work and the key to success is to do extensive hyperparameter tuning to make optimization work in the first place.
However, recently I become skeptical towards the above tenet due to the following experience.
In E1, I find that paper which observes that when increasing the depth of a convolutional ResNet, the test error curve is still U-shape as in traditional machine learning theory, instead of a double-descent curve, at least on CIFAR10 image classification dataset.